As with the Chambourcin, I did not seek out this wine; rather, it found me. Lisa decided to clean out the lemongrass on the east side of the greenhouse. Naturally, I couldn't let it go to waste. I happened to have picked up a couple of weeks ago a 1 gallon Winexpert Pinot Grigio kit. This kit has 1.6l of PG concentrate, and I imagined that it would work well as a grape base for lemongrass ginger wine.
Ingredients for a 3 gallon batch with extra for topping:
650g fresh lemongrass
1 freshly picked Meyer lemon, juiced and zested
1.6l Winexpert Pinot Grigio concentrate
100g of mild crystalized ginger
44g of strong crystalized ginger
1/2tsp tannin
6g Opti White
3g Booster Blanc
3t pectic enzyme
2kg sugar
2.25tsp citric acid
I prepped the lemongrass stock as I have done before, simmering it twice with the ginger. The stock was drained into the primary and the lemongrass/ginger added to a mesh bag, along with the lemon zest.
The bag was added to the primary, along with the concentrate, and water to 3 gallons. Once cool, the rest of the ingredients were added. pH adjusted from 4.04 to 3.39 with the citric acid. SG went from 1.030 to 1.085 with the 2kg of sugar.
The next day I rehydrated the EC-1118 that came with the kit, and it turned out to be my first case of nonviable yeast. I didn't get any bubbling in the starter like I usually do. I pitched it anyway, and predictably, nothing happened. I suppose the yeast was killed while sitting in the kit somewhere. So I sprinkled K1-V1116 and it took off within a couple of hours. I step-fed Fermaid K and got a nice even ferment and on day 7 at 1.010 I racked it to the carboy.
I will add Kmeta in a couple more days. This wine smelled great during the entire fermentation. It will make a nice drink for summer 2017.