Sunday, January 27, 2019

What Was I Thinking?

We're still in the middle of winter, but the winemaking continues. We bottled the 2017 OVZ and blueberry wines last weekend. We need the room and the bottles so today I bit the bullet and cleaned out about 3 cases of old stuff we are never going to drink. Here, for posterity, are some brief tasting notes

  • 2012 Persimmon Mead - sweet, almost like a low alcohol port, with good aroma. Alas, this is the last bottle. If I had more I would not dump it.
  • 2013 Lime Ginger - may be a good basis for a cocktail of some sort, but not wine. Citrus just doesn't make good wine.
  • 2012 Plumeria - oxidized.
  • 2013 Apple - very one dimensional, with little aroma.
  • 2014 Elderberry Persimmon - the surprise of the bunch. A very nice light red wine which has aged well. Currant, elderberry are prominent but not overpowering. Persimmon is in the background. Might be the only persimmon wine we'll drink. Determined not to dump the rest.
  • 2013 Lavender - smells like hotel shampoo.
  • 2012 Crabapple - oxidized, too sweet, and unbalanced.
  • 2015 Lemongrass Mint - smells like hotel bath soap.
  • 2015 EB - too much elderberry, too little acid, unbalanced.
  • 2013 Loquat - tastes like it was spiked with Amaretto (which it was).
  • 2013 Hibiscus Cranberry - oxidized.
  • 2014 Lemongrass Ginger - not terrible but could use more acid to better balance this wine.
  • 2015 Blueberry Hibiscus - not flawed, but just boring.
  • 2012 Bay Leaf - oxidized.
  • 2013 Catawba White - this was a super acidic wine to start. I ended up backsweetening a lot to get it balanced. Of course now, the acid seems to have settled back leaving too much sugar. I still have a case of this wine left.
At the end of the day I've got 3 more cases of clean bottles. It's safe to say we won't be making most of these wines ever again.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering how lemongrass, lavender, and lime were going to be turned into wine. Good practice for your grapes! Stay warm.
