Sunday, May 26, 2019

Staycation 2019

On short notice, Lisa went to Arizona to help her mom, leaving me at home alone for Staycation 2019. It's not fair to say she left me with a list, but let's say there were goals.

First up was the deck drain. I've been fooling with this for years, and my attempts to muscle it into place mainly resulted in breaking the plastic. Glenn's Pools had a 10' replacement piece, and with some table saw creativity, we have something that looks decent.

Next up, the leaking hot tub. I suppose at 16 years of age, things are bound to start going wrong with the hot tub. The store from which we purchased the tub is out of business, and Glenn's couldn't look at it for a month. So I consulted Dr. Google, and lo and behold, not only can you get a replacement for the leaking heating element for $160, but there are helpful videos online showing how to replace it. The only glitch was that the hole for the thermometer/thermistor was 1/32" too small. One trip to Lacrosse later, it was carefully drilled out and the fit was perfect.

I started work on the cart which will be the island counter in the poolhouse. You can't find 4x4 pine in Fulton, so I glued up 2x4 for the legs.

Lacrosse did have a pocket hole jig so that the screws will be hidden.

I tried a couple of different configurations for the shelves and wound up using a single shelf with one extra run of bracing. Hopefully it won't be in the way.

Stained the frame grey and the shelf a mix of black and grey (I thought black was too dark).

It still needs a couple of coats of poly, then we'll get it out to the poolhouse.

We've a beautiful crop of jabos on the younger tree. I'm hoping for a decent crop from the older tree as well, one which will finally yield a gallon of Pierce Estate Jaboticaba wine.

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