Sunday, June 16, 2019

Struggling Norton, Father's Day Fishing

The Nortons are struggling a bit. Many to the south are weak and pale. Three have suddenly wilted and died. Right now I'm missing 9 of 44 vines. Many will not be strong enough to support grapes. Norton is notoriously hard to root, but I took a dozen cuttings from the stronger vines, trimmed them, dipped in rooting hormone, and potted them up.

Jake wanted to go fishing so we got permission from the neighbors across the road and headed out on Father's Day. The fish were biting.

We have our first meaningful jostaberry harvest. They could be sweeter and less sour. We'll freeze them for a Tutti Fruiti wine at some later time.

Callaway County sunset, by Jake
Clapp's Lake, circa 1997

20+ years later