Sunday, April 30, 2017

2016 Wines - Chapter 13 - Passion fruit

Finally the last passion fruit dropped so we can move forward with passion fruit wine.

  • 5# 1oz passionfruit pulp, frozen, thawed, bagged
  • 1 can white grape concentrate
  • 456g sugar
  • Kmeta at thaw
  • 1/4t Fermaid K, divided
  • 0.5t GoFerm at hydration
  • Tannin 1/4t
  • Pectic enzyme 1t
  • Water to 1 gal
  • Calcium carbonate 3.5t
  • Opti Red/Opti White 1g
  • Booster Blanc/Rouge 1g
  • Lallzyme EX 0.1g
  • Bentonite 2g on day 3
I held back a few ounces for a secondary infusion if needed

Just the pulp, bagged up
The sugar brought the SG from 1.042 to 1.085. The calcium carbonate brought the pH from 2.68 to 3.04. Lallzyme went in with the pectic, 12 hours after the Kmeta, and 12 hours prior to pitching QA 23. 

We fermented it in a water bath chilled with ice packs. The temperature wasn't quite as steady as I would have liked but generally it was no higher than 16C. The last time we made passion fruit wine it ripped through in 3 days - like carambola, it is a very rapid fermenter. This time we stretched to 7 days, and by day 7 at 1.008 we racked to secondary.

We hope to preserve that wonderful passion fruit aroma this time. 


  1. Can somebody please explain how much: 5# 1oz passionfruit pulp is.
    With other words, what does the # mean??
    not american so sorry if its a stupid question
