Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Tidy Yard

It is interesting what having no kids at home means for keeping the yard tidy.

Saturday saw no relief from the high temperatures. We worked outside in 95F (35C) moving the last of the plants out of the greenhouse. The plumerias are back in their summer homes.

Plumerias in their summer home

We are experimenting with some of the greenhouse fruiting trees. We repotted the fruiting sapodilla and our newest citrus, a Persian lime and a calamondin. The Barbados Cherry and the other sapodilla will spend the summer on the porch. The bag of Barbados cherries in the freezer is growing. I didn't add them to my freezer wine last January in the hopes of having enough for a 1 gallon batch this year.

Barbados Cherry, loaded with fruit and flowering again
Saturday afternoon Shawn and Suzanne came over for some pool time. We opened the last bottle of Passion fruit wine.  This wine returned some nasty comments in the KC Cellarmasters wine competition, despite my high hopes. Not sure what they were thinking. All agreed that this wine was fantastic. The aroma was just like cutting open a ripe passion fruit, and the wine was well balanced. The bottle was empty in a half hour.

Sunday remained hot. I have been considering removal of the bananas from the greenhouse for some time now. Sunday I finally did it. The blooms are too infrequent and besides, bananas really are only good in wine as a body building additive. I cut them down rather than digging them out in case I get a case of greenhouser's remorse. But the center of the house has opened up nicely and I may make up for the loss of the bananas with lychee production.

No room in the greenhouse for shy producers
 The beds are largely tamed. One little section of the greenhouse bed is out of control, and the berms east of the pool need to be rid of their ash seedlings. I'm actually thinking about tackling the Dawn Redwood bed...something I haven't had time to get to for years.

Dinner Sunday as grilled cabbage with a basil pesto sauce and jerk chicken tenders. I thought about opening one of my wines but we have three bottles already open so I could not justify it.

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