Sunday, May 5, 2019

Rain, Rain Go Away

Over the past week we received over 3 inches of rain. This is unfortunate for us because last weekend the mower broke down. We managed to get the backyard done but the largest part of the yard has not been cut for two weeks. The good news is that the skies cleared for the weekend, bringing sun and some temporary drying out of the yard for mowing today - just in time for another 3 inches in the coming week.

The gutter drain from the front of the house.
The concrete sink/countertops are installed in the poolhouse. Plumbing works. Softener installed. Bring on summer!

Last weekend we bottled about 5 cases of wine. The Grenache rosé looks good. The Frontenac rosé lost some color. Lack of tannins is suspected.  But it smells and tastes terrific. We benched trialed some blends of the Frontenac with Chardonel, and in the end we liked the different character of each wine, so they got bottled separately.

Frontenac rosé, Chardonel, Grenache rosé
Two weeks ago we replanted about 20 vines, mostly Vidal. Replanting wasn't has hard as digging out the old roots. Cooler temps seem to have slowed growth up to some degree, but we now have shoots 5-12" long.

Two weeks ago, after mowing and before all the rain
Shawn and Suzanne came over for some wine. We had an outstanding Arneis, a white grape from Piedmont. This bottle came from California, but it was delicious. We lit a fire and had S'mores. Shawn achieved the perfect toast. As it darkened we spotted the Space Station and, as a bonus, a beautiful blue-green meteor to the south.

We have a short 3 day work week next week, as we were previously scheduled to be off for a couple of days to work at home. I'll be watching the forecast.

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